Tiffany Michelle on Fox . . . Ouch, That Was Painful

I started to write a very similar post to this when Tiffany Michelle and Maria Ho were on the Amazing Race. During that same week they were running episodes of Celebrity Apprentice and had just watched several episodes of Annie Duke trying to relate even the most routine points into a poker analogy. Tiffany and Maria sort of put me on tilt watching them trying to do the same thing when it was so obviously unnecessary.

My all-time tilt moment came when Annie was telling the board that in poker you have to make good decisions. WTF?!?! In real life you don’t need to make good decisions? Good decisions are a unique poker concept? Why did she feel the need to make a comparison between business and poker when making good decisions is universal across all areas of your life?

I’m not sure how I recovered from that tilt but I didn’t write the post. I thought maybe I was being too harsh. Maybe too critical.

But this interview between Neil Cavuto and Michelle re-tilted me. I’m don’t think I’m being too critical when I say . . . NOT EVERYTHING SHOULD BE MADE INTO A POKER METAPHOR!!!!!!

I mean, the interview became way more complicated than it needed to because both of them were trying to shoehorn the healthcare debate bill into poker metaphors that didn’t quite fit. What a painful thing to watch.

BTW, I can’t remember if I saw this on Pokerati or WickedChops first so I’ll just throw out a prop to both.

4 thoughts on “Tiffany Michelle on Fox . . . Ouch, That Was Painful

  1. Pingback: Poker and the English Language | Online Casino US | Online Casino Games

  2. Pingback: The Tiffany Michelle Transcript — Bill's Poker Blog

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