Go ahead and bookmark this page. I’ll just keep updating this page whenever new info becomes available. If you want to be notified of updates, subscribe to the RSS feed on Bloglines.
Looks like we’re going to get a strong turnout. If as many people come as claim they are, we should have our best WPBT Classic event turnout ever!
[UPDATE]: As of 10.17, with the addition of the AlCan’tHang crew, we now have a bigger turnout than we’ve ever had! I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat.
[UPDATE]: As of 11/2 we have space for approx. 5 more people. Anybody not in will need to go on a waiting list until we see if we can add capacity at the IP. People are still more than welcome to join the crew in Vegas but we might not be able to fit you into the tournament.
[UPDATE]: As of 11/3 we have filled up. NO NEW PLAYERS ARE BEING ADDED! The only spots not assigned are for pros who have expressed a possible interest and a small number of very specific people who have asked that we keep a spot open for them. If we have any open spots on the day of the tournament they will go to people on a first come (on the day of the event), first served basis.
Classic Extras
Well, we happened to really luck out. The Dec. 10th tournament date is the same day as the Bellagio Five Diamond Senior’s tournament. That means most of the pros in town will be off that day.
So far we’ve got a tentative yes to either play in the WPBT Classic or attend the after party from Clonie Gowen. It’s still a ways out so we’ll firm things up with her closer to the date but she said she was in. We also have a tentitive yes from Chris “Jesus” Ferguson. Again, it’s a ways out so it’s difficult to get folks to say that they’ll positively, absolutely be there.
PokerProf has been working some of the pros from the first Winter Classic (Max, Marcel, Evelyn, etc.) to make a repeat show at Winter Classic II and so far the responses have been encouraging.
We’re also working on putting together a sponsorship package which I can’t discuss the details of right at the moment but over the next few weeks I’ll likely be making an announcement as to some very cool stuff.
We’re also working on getting a pro to do a Q&A pre-tournament and getting additional pros to come to the after-party.
And as a side note, I get a lot of emails and IM’s from people thanking me for organizing this. First off, thank you. But it’s not just me. PokerProf is the man with the plan in Sin City. He was the one who made the Imperial Palace intros and he’s been busting tail on working his pro contacts. HDouble has also been a major contributor. If all he did was listen to me bounce insane ideas off him he would get co-organizer status for the time I’ve consumed. However, HDouble has done more than that and has been (and is currently) instrumental in helping craft and pitch some of this to folks. Both those guys deserve a hearty thanks as well.
[Update]: We’ve announced a series of satellite tournaments that win the top two finishers a spot at a six person, winner take all, shoot out at the Imperial Palace immediately following the main tournament.
[UPDATE] The final six players in the shootout have been selected.
[UPDATE] Check out the banner from Brian, the Storming the Castle Alert System proposed by Otis, and the possibility of a mixed games night.
[UPDATE] Otis and PokerStars score big for the tournament.
We’re working on getting 2004 Winter Classic speaker, Charlie Shoten, to come give another talk. I still listen to the MP3 of his last talk from time to time to center my thinking.
[UPDATE] Charlie is in!!
[UPDATE] Linda for PokerWorks has asked Michael Craig, author of the recently reviewed Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King to come as well as Ron Rose who attended last year’s fest. And as exciting as that news may be, there’s more. Linda spoke with Daniel Negreanu the other night and he said he would be into attending and might even challenge the winner to a heads-up freeroll for $2000. Of course, that all depends on whether or not he’s in town, remembers, hasn’t made other plans, etc. But the good news is that he said he was into it!
Not 100% confirmed yet but poker legend Tom McEvoy may be swinging by and Max “The Italian Pirate” Pescatori could be at the tables with us. As those who played in last year’s event can attest, McEvoy’s presentation was excellent and Max’s strong play at the tables taught a few people about aggression (he placed second in the tournament).
Who’s Going to Be There
Administrative Note: Some significant others and friends are not included in this list but are on the master tournament sheet. As we get closer to the event, I’ll email everyone on the master list to confirm their info and provide any missing info (cell phone numbers, dates you’ll be in town, etc) so people can contact each other and organize meetups.
AlCan’tHang, EvaCan’tHang, Big Mike, and Steve
April H. (Feeding the Addiction)
April (This is not a poker blog)
Brian (MattahFahtu)
Change100 (PotCommitted)
Chris (Chicks Dig Poker Geeks)
CJ (Up for Anything)
Columbo (Poker Wannabe)
Daddy (SnailTrax)
Dave (DonkeyHunter)
David M
Drizz (Nickle and Dimes)
EasyCure and Mrs. Easy Cure
Falstaff (PokerStage)
Asphnxma (FTrain)
Geek and Proud
Gracie (She*Verb)
The Human Head
HDouble with special guest, Mrs. HDouble
Joanne (A Chick and a Chair)
Joaquin The Rooster
Joe Speaker (The Obituarium)
John V.(Slayre’s Poker Quest)
Josh (Armchair Fisherman)
Linda (PokerWorks)
Martin (JMC)
Mike M
Mike V (Life, The Universe, Poker)
Mr. Subliminal
on_thg (Res Ipsa Poker)
Pauly (Tao of Poker)
Pete (Everything Has A Limit)
PlatKat (and Gus)
Pokeramarama (Chad)
Randy (Flopopolis)
Rick W of Full Tilt fame
Russ Fox
Ryan (Absinthe)
Shane Nickerson (Nickerblog)
Shelly (HellaHoldem)
Sloshr (RadioVegas)
Spaceman (Catching the Antichrist)
StB (Beer City Poker)
TeamScottSmith +1
Travis (tp’s table talk)
Wil Wheaton
On the Fence (i.e. claim a 50% or over chance of coming)
Room Reservations
Bob at the Imperial Palace has us at the $29 / $39 rates ($29 weekday, $39 weekend). You can go ahead and make reservations by emailing Bob Cohen with the following info:
1. Mention me!!!! Tell him that you’re part of my group. This is a special rate so Bob needs to know you’re not some shlub just trying to get a cheap room.
2. Give Bob the following info:
Full Name
Phone number
Birthday (he’ll have a player card waiting for you when you arrive and bday is required for player card sign ups)
Dates you wish to reserve
Preference of two double beds or one king
Preference of Smoking or non-smoking rooms
3. Ping me and let me know you’re booked. Of course, this is optional but it is appreciated as I’ll try to keep a running list so everybody knows who’s coming and will give me a good idea of who to contact with new info and guesstimating the total number of players in the tournament. You can either leave a note in the comments or email me using the contact link at the top of the page.
Bob’s email is the first letter of his first name and then his full last name @ ImperialPalace.com (how’s that for screwing up the spam bots?).
If you choose not to stay at the Imperial Palace, ping me too so I at least know that we should reserve a chair for you at the tournament. I don’t think they’ll cap it but they may if it gets too large so don’t get left out.
Slayre has mentioned that in his confirm he was told that he would also be receiving a coupon book for buffets, comp dollars, etc. They also stated in the confirm that the room rate is for 2 people and that additional persons can be added for $19 a night.
Also, if you email Bob and he doesn’t get back right away, don’t panic. He’s not in reservations. He’s in guest relations which means that he works all sorts of bizarro shifts and that his bread and butter time is on the weekends. It’s not uncommon for him to be out Mon. – Wed. or Mon. – Thurs. Sometimes he can be a little slow to catch up with the emails but he’s plugging away and will get to everyone. If you don’t hear from him for several weeks, by all means email him again but if you don’t hear back for one or two days, give it a few more 🙂
Wireless Internet I just read on the Imperial Palace website that they now have high-speed wireless internet available (for an additional charge). According to their site they’re the first strip casino to offer wireless to their guests so if you have a laptop, get ready to blog from Vegas 🙂
Tournament Structure (and fees)
Blind structure is being worked out but they have been open to structuring things as we would like them. Buy in would be $50 + $5 (dealer bonus) + $10 (juice) or $50 + $15 for those who are mathematically challenged.
Please see this page for the proposed tournament structure.
Rafe Furst, emailed me this morning and threw out an interesting offer. Seems Rafe loves us poker bloggers and would very much like to get some of us to become affiliates for Phil Gordon’s DVD. So, here’s the offer; become an Expert Insight affiliate and Rafe will give us (HDouble and I) a free DVD to give to you at the WPBT event in Dec.
Columbo from PokerWannabe has offered to have WPBT hats made up for approx $20 per person. Check out the comments section for specifics and contact him directly if you’re interested.
[UPDATE] Columbo had some prototypes made. If you would like to order WPBT hats, please contact Columbo on his website and let him know you have an interest.
10.13.05: Added Clonie Gowen as being one of our pro attendees.
10.14.05: Added Otis to the “In” list!!
10.14.05: Slayre’s suggestion added info about coupon books and extra person charges.
10.14.05: Added additional info about contacting Bob.
10.14.05: Added Wil Wheaton as 97% sure he’s coming.
10.15.05: Added info about Phil Gordon DVD/Affiliate offer
10.15.05: Added Russ Fox as In
10.15.05: Added Biggestron as In
10.16.05: Added Flopopolis as In
10.16.05: Added Chris “Jesus” Ferguson as one of our pro attendees.
10.17.05: Moved G-Rob from On the Fence to In
10.17.05: Added AlCan’tHang, EvaCan’tHang, BigMike and Steve to In
10.17.05: Added note that we are officially bigger than any previous WPBT Classic event.
10.17.05: Moved Derek from On the Fence to In
10.17.05: Upgraded Daddy to 100% In
10.17.05: Posted Columbo’s hat offer
10.17.05: Moved Travis from On Deck to In
10.18.05: Added -EV as In
10.18.05: Got tired of Iggy playing coy and added him in as In 🙂
10.18.05: Moved TeamScottSmith +1 to the In list
10.18.05: Just making a note that we have 72 people registered for the tournament. I’m trying to see what the max is.
10.18.05: Moved Chad (Poeramarama) from On Deck to In
10.22.05: Added DonkeyPuncher as in
10.23.05: Updated Randy’s domain
10.23.05: Updated Maudie to In
10.25.05: Removed Lance from In list
10.25.05: Added Change100 to In list
10.25.05: Added info about wireless internet
10.27.05: Added Pete (Everything has a Limit) to In list
10.28.05: Moved Joanne to the In list
10.28.05: Added EasyCure to the In list
10.30.05: Added newest Tilter and Daddy friend Ephro to the list
10.30.05: Added info about Shoten, McEvoy, and Max
10.31.05: Added Linda to the In list
10.31.05: Added info about Sex Gun Shoot Out
11.01.05: Added Greg and PokerNerd to In list (players #82 and #83)
11.01.05: 83 players means a $4000 prize pool!!!!
11.01.05: Added MeneGene as In (player #84)
11.02.05: Added notice about cutting off player sign-ups.
11.03.05: Added Jaxia to the In list
11.04.05: Added notice about cutting of new signups.
11.10.05: Added Charlie Shoten in as pro speaker
11.10.05: Added info about Michael Craig, Ron Rose, and Daniel Negreanu
11.16.05: Added info about the banner system from Brian, Otis’ Storming the Castle Alert system, and Joaquin’s efforts to secure a private mixed game.
11.18.05: Added info about the tournament structure.
11.19.05: Added info about Columbo’s hat offer
11.20.05: Added link to the final six players in the shootout event.
11.21.05: Added info about Otis’ PokerStars news
Hey – Paul Phillips seems to be interested!
ok, I have pictures. Here are the HATS:
Take a look and tell me if you would like one!!!
I should add that his attendance is 100% confirmed, and tournament entry is 100% confirmed if he’s got a spot.
Occasional poker blogger Cujofan (www.cujofan.com) is traveling with me for this event, and he will play if we’ve got any more open spots.
Been out of the loop, but hope to make this if I can squeeze into one of the remaining spots. Is there anyone out there looking to share a room?
Email me at ehoffman5 at nc.rr.com.
Re: Wireless Internet
I’ve actually used this before. From my hotel room at Bally’s. Oops.
Dear Bill Rini,
I will be busting out of the tournament before heading over to get drunk at the day spa with Mrs HDouble. Please do count me in!
Also, did I ruin your big announcement by posting this? If you want to keep my attendance on the down low let me know. sorry!
your pal,
Thanks, Bill. (The clickable text hadn’t changed – didn’t think about mousing.)
Do get added to the in list, or do I have to send a bribe somewhere?
I am no longer on the fence. Count me in please, thanks 🙂
Actually Zowie, it was changed several days ago. Mouse over it.
Hidy Ho –
For all of those trying desparately to get in touch with me, I have changed the domain of my p-blog from:
I asked Bill to make teh change above in the list, but he hasn’t gotten ’round to it yet.
Looking forward to the December event.
I’m in, Rini. Too many lady bloggers have been smackin’ me around for being on the fence! 🙂 Doing the IP room res thing right now…
Pingback: geek and proud - Dammit
I think I may be the Hammerth entrant into the tourney! I am so jazzed about going.
I can’t think of anything more fitting than if we ended up with 72 people in the tournament. I think we’ll have more, though.
I will be in Vegas from December 4 to December 19, staying at the Boardwalk, then the Flamingo, then the Venetian. I would be nice to meet up with some fellow bloggers and to play in the $50 tourney (despite my legendary inability to play tournaments).
See you there!
Hats being considered… (both with 2 inch logo)
http://www.companycasuals.com/threadimpressions/b.jsp?id=304&parentId=788 (thus the poker chip would look like it is sitting on a green felt table with a tan rail)
your standard black hat (everyone loves black)
I have a better bid now, below $20. More as it firms up.
Duh, how about an email address for the hat info. use reifler At eifco DoT org
Hey man, count me in for WPBT II in December… I’m calling the IP tomorrow to try & reserve my room. As an attendee of the maiden WPBT voyage, and the summer tourney, I’m psyched to see what the third event has in store! Keep up the good work man.
Kevin aka -EV
Need an email address for Columbo….
I have Phil up on my site, and would be interested in a hat….thank you to all for making this happen, can’t wait.
Calling all Gam-booool-ers! If I can get at least 20 players to committ, I will order custom embroidered hats with the WPBT logo (Courtesy of maudie) on them. Felt green hats with the full chip logo (no latin though). I can get 20 for $400 or $20 a pop. No juice! Interested?
Ok, I’m going to send the email for a room now and book my flight as soon as that’s confirmed.
My flight is booked.
I arrive on Thursday night.
Leave Sunday morning.
Party on.
G-Rob is in.
I love a challenge…
Let me check for flights
If anyone is looking to share a room, let me know.
Apparently they are giving us the Autumn Escape Package with free drinks, and other good stuff too.
She must be a sucker for meterosexuals.
I knew Clonie would show as soon as she found out I was going.
At long last, the decision has been made. I’m in. Dr. Jeff will be there to hold me up, as well. For those of you who haven’t met him yet, Dr. Jeff is the smarter of the two Otis brothers.
I’ve been getting prompt replies from Bob… I’ve changed my dates a time or two, and they have been very accomadating(sp).
Any word from Bob on the room reservations? I haven’t heard back from my email yet.
Uh oh, G-Rob, that sounds like a challenge.
If G-Rob is man enough to show, I’m man enough to put up a very nice bounty on him.
Mr. and Mrs. CantHang to the front lobby please…
Not sure what my bust-out prize will be. Right now the front runner is a Viking’s crying towel.
I am probably more on the fence than on deck, but I am leaning strongly towards it. I wasn’t sure whether if I would really have the cash to go, but I just checked the flight again and it’s even cheaper than before…very, very tempting.
Oh, well not really mine…but a new one for the winner
Of course besides the money and other prizes. I will be awarding my cowboy hat for the winner of the tournament.