Here’s a fun question of the day for you

Inspired by this thread I ran across on MetaFilter, what would you do if someone dumped $100,000 in your lap tomorrow? Let’s say, on a lark, you entered a tournament with $100,000 1st place payout and you won. Does it go into your bankroll? Do you spend it like a drunken Al sailor? Pay some bills?

20 thoughts on “Here’s a fun question of the day for you

  1. TTM

    Is there any good poker sites in the US anymore? Ive been playin on lock and I sware to F–K the site is a joke it doesnt matter what I have, if I try to play poker right I get suked out on doesnt matter what I have AA KK some idiot stays in and usually puts me allin w/ a hand like A6 and hit two cards to match his suite and hits runnr runnr for a flush or has 6 9 and flops 578. It truly is riDICKulous the game does not mirror real poker in odds mathmatical, or pot and my good hands 9 out of 10 times dont hold up. I guess I am done w/ online poker! GOD I miss FTP!!!!!!!

  2. James Tomshay

    I would Put $10,000 in my poker bankroll for tournaments entries. I would either payoff bills or buy a pizza shop with the rest. I’d probably go the pizza shop route so I earn money with the cash instead of dumping it to creditors.

  3. The Engineer

    hell i’d get into that tournoment again! haha …. but getting noble, probably set up a scholarship program for uni students.

  4. Drizztdj

    Little Drizz would get a boost in his college fund, dear and patient wife could buy every god-given knick-knack for her scrapbooking.

    For me, another iPod 🙂

  5. Johnny FlopBoot

    The above comment is precisely why I can’t seem to move up in limits… or pay off any of my never-ending debt.

    It’s a sad commentary on my reality…

  6. Johnny FlopBoot

    I claim BullShit on everyone above.

    I would immediately move from $1/2 NL to $10/20 NL and after losing it all in 3 weeks… I’m right back where I started.


  7. StudioGlyphic

    Wait, wait… this money came from a poker tournament? Set aside enough bankroll to play 30/60 and then do what I said above…

  8. StudioGlyphic

    Pay off the school loans first. Invest half of the remaining amount. Increase my mortgage payment and put money into an IRA monthly.

  9. Joe Speaker

    Well, that’s $57K after taxes here in sunny CA. My round number fetish dicates I toss $7K into AJ’s college fund. Five G’s for the poker bankroll (including some buy-ins to the Legends of Poker events coming up at The Bike. A little shopping spree for the Mrs. Hire a landscaper to plant my slope. Take a cruise with the fam. Invest the rest.

  10. Heafy

    I’d pay off bills and student loans, splurge a little and pad the bank roll by $2K I think.

  11. Joaquin Ochoa

    I would give half to my folks and then purchase my mother a car on top of that. 7*3=21 G’s to my sister’s kids college fund. Then I would make a run at Vegas with the rest…stay at a cheap motel and play 10/20

  12. StB

    I am too responsible. At least half would go to my mortgage. A portion would go to big poker tournaments as well.

  13. Nick

    I’d pay off my auto loan, quit my job, and move to the CA Bay area. Been wanting to do it, but don’t have the cash to just pack up and leave without a job first.

  14. Chilly

    School loans paid = Monthly payment diverted to poker. A little dollar cost averaging into the bank roll.

  15. Bill

    Personally, I think a chunk of it would go into my bankroll and the rest would be put away into savings/investments.

  16. Abulafia

    Buy a house in Italy. In the Marche, or Frosinone, near the airport or Sicilia. 100’00 will buy a three bedroom old farmhouse, outbuildings, 2500 square metres of land, and an olive and peach grove.

    I’ve never seen a peach tree.

    The Marche. Tuscan like landscape, Tuscan like food. No tourists, except me.

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