Forget A WSOP Seat, You Can Win A Hooker

Yes, another site that obviously falls into the Gorilla Marketing group of online poker rooms, Sinful Poker, is offering a 69 cent satellite into a tournament that nets you:

* A trip to Costa Rica
* 3 Nights Hotel
* A Hooker

The absolute best part about this promotion is the following line in the terms and conditions:

The winner agrees to have their photo taken with a Hooker while wearing Sinful Poker Gear.

Now, when Ryan wins $120,000 at the LAPC he can easily justify his wife yelling at his mother that poker is not gambling but how do you tell your folks that that proud picture of you with a Costa Rican prostitute is proof of your skills as a poker player?

[tags]poker, costa rica, sinful poker, lapc, promotion, satellite[/tags]

7 thoughts on “Forget A WSOP Seat, You Can Win A Hooker

  1. Las Vegas Courtesan

    I was going through your blog and somehow ended up on this entry. I got a huge laugh from it!!! As a working girl in Las Vegas and sometimes play poker around town, I couldn’t imagine this happening in Vegas but the picture in my head made for a funny site.

  2. Deanna

    Wow! This really takes the cake. This has got to be the worst promotion ever. Personally – I think the hooker should complain. She’s gotta spend time with someone who plays at Sinful Poker. It ain’t right.

  3. Jestocost

    Hmm. Your answer has me on the horns of a dilemma, as I now can’t figure out if it would be better to play against gorillas, lemurs donkeys or fish. Presumably the gorillas would be more aggressive, which would require some adjustments in your play but could be more profitable in the long term.

  4. Bill

    Jestocost: Well, it depends on whether or not you’re marketing to gorillas or guerillas. 🙂

    Yes, my bad. Thanks for catching it.

  5. Jestocost

    I’m usually not very anal about such things, but can I just point out that it’s “guerilla” marketing, not “gorilla” markeing. Thanks!

  6. Jay

    Seems like a prize a married man might have a dilemma with…No wonder the wife didn’t like him playing poker 🙂

  7. StB

    Or, if you can pony up the big bucks, you can buy in directly for $6.90!

    That is funny!

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