Poker Marketing Backfires
Yes, another guerilla (or gorilla depending on your taste) marketing stunt. Online poker site Pokershow decided to drum up a little PR by putting up a video aimed at being …
Yes, another guerilla (or gorilla depending on your taste) marketing stunt. Online poker site Pokershow decided to drum up a little PR by putting up a video aimed at being …
And in case anybody needed a reason to vote for Phil Gordon in 2008, I give to you these facts about the man. Phil Gordon’s tears cure cancer. Too bad …
WickedChopsPoker is trying to recruit Phil Gordon to run for President in 2008.
Seems like PartyPoker is introduced people to a world of pain with the new interface design. How many of our PC’s were f***ed by party? Party Lobby Not Updating Can …
Yes, another site that obviously falls into the Gorilla Marketing group of online poker rooms, Sinful Poker, is offering a 69 cent satellite into a tournament that nets you: * …