PokerBot Pro – The Scam Continues

Several months ago I wrote about a product called PokerBot Pro. In that post I line by line ripped apart the marketing claims of the software publisher and exposed it for being a complete load of rubbish. So you can imagine my glee this morning when I received an email from someone claiming to know David Glazen (the author of the software) who is writing to defend Mr. Glazen. Supposedly, because he put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into creating the software I have some sort of obligation to overlook the completely bogus claims being made by Mr. Glazen.

Well, I was asked not to post the email, so I won’t, but I would challege either Mr. Glazen or the guy who emailed me to defend the below.

P.P.S. Don’t forget that I will only release PokerBots untill July 14, 2006 and then they will be gone forever . Not only do you get the Incredible PokerBot Pro but if you act NOW you will also get the FREE bonus. So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and snatch this incredible offer before it is too late. Seriously, offers like this don’t come often!

Remember that back when I wrote about PokerBot Pro in March, the site said the software would be gone forever on March 14. Also, others have pointed out that the date is simple a Javascript program that changes from month to month. So, already we’ve got Mr. Glazen down for lying to every single customer he’s sold his product to since March 14.

Mr Glazen or his friend have the comments section of this post to dispute anything I’ve said. I will not delete, alter, or in any way interfere with them putting out their side of the story as long as the comments are on topic and not abusive (which is the same standard I use for every other comment).

17 thoughts on “PokerBot Pro – The Scam Continues

  1. bob smith

    Glazen is actually Stephen Glazer from Toronto, Ontario Canada. He’s scammed over 500k worth from a product that does not work. He’s proud of what he’s accomplished.

  2. Will Vincent

    Forgot to mention that I will also be filing a complaint with the better business bureau.

    As it turns out, “Mr. Glazen” has been involved in bad business practices for a while. A search for “Glazen Online Services” (the offical domain registrant for turns up two results:

    Both appear to be for the same business, though different mailing addresses for each.

    96 Mowat Ave
    Toronto, ON M6K3M1

    1800 7B Pleasant Blvd
    North York, ON M3H2S1

    There is other interesting information in the report however…

    By the way, has anyone happened across this:

    it was the #1 result from Google on the name David Glazen. This article claims that “David Glazen” aka “Steve Glazen” aka “Ken Chan” is in fact John Maynor, former canadian cop and at the time of the article’s writing Employee of The Candian Ministry of Health…

    I will continue to dig, to see just how far this rabbit hole goes. I’ll keep you posted. With as much as I’ve found in this short amount of time, I suppose I should probably set up a page somewhere to lay it all out. I’ll work on that tonight and post a link.

    More to follow.


  3. Will Vincent


    Thank you for shedding light on this on your blog. Unfortunately I did not do enough homework before falling for this scam. I am just beginning the pursuit to obtain my refund for this bogus product.

    I am wholly certain that I will receive that refund, having read of the success of Mr. Preddy (listed here) as well as having the full cooperation of my banking institution behind me, and the Visa Zero-Liability Fraud protection on my Visa check card (though that bit is a little iffy, as I actually authorized the purchase, not realizing the fraudulent nature under which “Mr. Glazen” operates until after said transaction).

    Furthermore, I have contacted the Competition Bureau of Canada (the Canadian counterpart of the FTC here in the US) I will be submitting a formal complaint to them regarding the fraudulent activity of “Mr. Glazen” on his website, with references to this blog, and other posts here as they relate to the issue as supporting evidence. Upon receipt of the acknowledgement letter from the Competition Bureau I intend to post an update here with the reference number they issue about this claim — after which time I will strongly urge anyone who has had any dealings with “Mr. Glazen” to follow suit.

    Together we can prevent this from happening to anyone else.

    -Will Vincent
    will (at) intensitymedia (dot) org

  4. peter bisset

    Glazen has not only attempted to rip me off but has boasted about it. These are the recent emails I have received from him.

    From Poker Bot
    Sent Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:18 am

    I went ahead and bought a new ferrari with all the money you gave me. It was really cool and goes fast. If you had decent poker skills you wouldn’t need a bot. I laugh at you all the way to the bank.

    You are an idiot.

    Poker Bot
    Sent Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:30 am
    Hi, go f+++ yourself you piece of shit.

    As you can see Mr Glazen is a scam artist and nothing more the product does not work and he will make it hell getting your money back this guy is got to be stopped


  5. John Preddy

    Hi Bill,

    Just noticed a link on my name to

    If you’d like one back visit:-

    The ethos of the site is to believe in civil liberties, privacy, prosperity, freedom and business. Amongst other things.

    Sir, f you wanna delete this as advertising then do so – I won’t be offended. But it is a genuine offer. I like linking to sites I respect even though we’re not in the same sphere.

    Take care.

  6. John Preddy

    Hi Bill,

    I post an email correspondence over the last couple of days. You can see it really wasn’t too difficult to get a refund. 3 days – not 30 as in his t’s and c’s.

    A positive step by Mr Glazen I believe. Sadly, I can’t say the same for the payment processor Emetrix. If you buy ANYTHING online and a transaction is processed by these people be very wary.

    Great Blog Bill – keep up the hard work. I’m involved in a couple elsewhere so I know the work involved – especially on your with such a high standard of comment by you and it’s ease of use. Takes thought. Sir, thanks. Have a great weekend.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: David Glazen []
    Sent: 11 August 2006 17:33
    Cc: Emetrix Customer Support
    Subject: Re: Refund Requested: E080906661292 (KMM31825093V39832L0KM)

    please issue a full refund

    On 8/11/06, John Preddy – wrote:

    Thank you for your response.

    The manufacurer knows that request cannot be complied with.

    A complete hand history is not available on any poker site.

    Further this is an online service and I will not be posting a letter –
    that is simply a delaying tactic. It will be alleged that it was not

    Come on – do the right thing and refund my card and cancel this vendor’s
    facility. It really does bring your service in to disrepute. If you run
    with dogs you will catch fleas. is
    another source of reference for an independent view on this product. I
    have taken on far bigger organisations than yours and won. Two
    governments have changed laws because of me. And I WILL get my money
    back with or without your co-operation.

    I don’t propose to enter in to any further dialogue on this.

    Mark Twain said “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and
    astonish the rest.”


    John Preddy

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Emetrix Customer Support [mailto:]
    Sent: 10 August 2006 21:58
    To: John Preddy –
    Subject: Refund Requested: E080906661292 (KMM31825093V39832L0KM)

    Dear Customer,

    The manufacturer of the software has requested that a written letter be
    sent to their offices to finish the refund process. Once they receive
    the letter the refund will be issued. Below are the instructions on what
    to send and how to send it.

    Once you have reached the 30 days please send a written request to:

    Glazen Online Services
    7B Pleasant Blvd suite #980
    Toronto, On
    M4T 1KT

    You must include your name, date of purchase, emetrix order ID, complete
    hand history, and reason for requesting a refund. Once this is recieved
    your refund will be issued. Please see the complete refund policy at:

    Kind Regards,
    Tomson K.
    Customer Service
    Case ID:14716123

    Original Message Follows:

    It appears that you are providing a payment solution for software which
    at best does not work and at worst is a total scam.
    6e88b8310e573d1f90868f37f1f244 will

    For your convenience I attach a copy of the guarantee found at . I require you to refund my credit card
    within seven days or I will issue a chargeback on 16th August 2006. I
    have copied this email to – the address found at the
    bottom of – but others have have been
    emailing the vendor and he hasn’t replied. There is a money back
    guarentee. Please honour it then cancel this vendor’s account. The
    guarantee attached also says “..log-in to your favorite poker client and
    let the program do its magic.” However, it only works – badly – with If I hear nothing from you witin three days I will
    start the chargeback procedure early. Regards, John Preddy —–Original
    From: Emetrix Sales []
    Sent: 09 August 2006 17:50
    Subject: Emetrix Order Confirmation
    Thank you for using Emetrix.
    Your order has been successfully processed. This is your receipt. You
    may wish to print it for your records.
    (1) – PokerBot Pro 2.0: £110.25 ea.
    Delivery Option Charges: £0.00
    Tax / VAT: £19.29
    Order Total: £129.54
    Details on product delivery are included below:
    Putting You in Control of your E-Commerce:

  7. James


    I’m sorry to say that you missed one of the biggest “tells” that this guy is lying. You’ve stated that screenshots CAN be faked, but there’s very obvious proof that it is.

    Go to his website, look at the screenshot of all of his money that he’s made. Look up in the top right corner. There’s a banner that says “Make your 1st deposit NOW to register”. That banner only showed to players who have never played for real money.

  8. Bill

    Hi Danny,

    Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post. It’s amazing that a happy customer of the product would Google his way to my site. You are impressive in your dedication to this product and defending it.

    What’s even more amazing is that your dedication runs soooo deep that you’ve hunted down interviews of Glazen since there’s absolutely no such interviews in the top 100 – 200 Google search results. You must have been very dedicated to keep searching and searching for his pearls of wisdom.

    In case I would like to read this interview myself, would you share the URL? Is it under his Glazen name or one of his other aliases?

    In closing, I look forward to your response and hope my mind can be changed, David . . . I mean, Danny.



  9. Danny

    Uh this is typical marketing stuff, it has nothing to do with lies, you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about, and 80$ a day is not bad money assuming you don’t get caught and banned. He said in an interview one of his goals is to bring back face to face poker anyway, but damn you are too superior for it to matter so you’ll just be uncool and pretend you are the shit on your little blog anyway instead of realizing number one the nature of advertising, and number two, the nature of how marginally sucessfull this actually is. It stands to make you money, there you go.

  10. barney

    The deadline’s now “August 2, 2006”.
    I came across your blog entry when I entered the words “Pokerbot Pro” into a search engine. Thanks for exposing this scam.

  11. Jason

    He’s charging the low-low price of $199.00, down from $299.00.

    A bargain, considering you’ll make your money back by March 14th, 2006, even if you just purchased today.

  12. yoinkster

    mate, scking legend, i browsed around the site and read those amazing testimonials of happy customers, loving the bullshit.
    you know its a scam when the testimonials come out 99% of the time.

    i wonder how much hes actually charging, i wasnt gutsy enough to press the “order now” button 😉

    l8rs from yoinkster in the UK.

  13. N Dru


    All this crap about the date changing scam, has what to do with the software itself? I am not trying to defend them, but I am interested in their software and would like you to point out IN WHAT WAY it is a scam… What makes it a scam anyway? You haven’t exactly told us, nor hinted it indirectly either way.

    Looking forward to hear from ya,

  14. sicli

    The deadline’s now 20th of July… he’s using a script…
    Don’t forget that I will only release PokerBots untill

     days) {
    if (CurMonth == 11) {
    CurMonth = 0;
    month = TMonth[CurMonth];
    CurYear = CurYear + 1
    else {
    month = TMonth[CurMonth+1];
    CurDay = CurDay - days;
    CurDayOw += AddDays;
    function adjustDay (cday) {
    if (cday > 6) {
    cday -= 6;
    CurDayOw = TDay[cday-1];
    else {
    CurDayOw = TDay[cday];
    return true;
    TheDate = month + ' ';
    TheDate += CurDay + ', ';
    if (CurYear
    			 and then they will be gone forever . Not only do you get the Incredible PokerBot Pro but if you act NOW you will also get the FREE bonus. So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and snatch this incredible offer  before it is too late. Seriously,
                          offers like this don't come often!
  15. Jordan from HighOnPoker

    Well done, sir. This comment is written by CommentBot! If you, too, would like to purchas CommentBot, it is just 19.95! Buy act now, because this offer only lasts until month,”14, 2006″>.

    Keep up the fine work, .

  16. Haley (Cawt/Chayse)

    Damn you and your hard-assed nature, Bill. You’re just making it too hard for a scammer to make an honest day’s pay.

    I go ROFLMAO now.

Comments are closed.