Securing ports: Good idea. Banning Online Gambling: Bad idea.

From one of my readers:

I’m a Disabled Veteran from the War in Afghanistan. It’s hard enough not getting benefits and quality health care from Veteran Affairs. It’s hard enough finding a suitable job for my disabilities. Poker is one of the things I CAN do physically and mentally. Online Poker gave me an opportunity to play a game that I’m good at in the privacy of my own home, away from Casinos that aggravate my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with rude customers and loud noises. Now I can’t play online anymore… at least not for REAL.

In my opinion, most politicians don’t care about anyone but themselves. They don’t care about service members (especially ones killed, permanently injured or diseased from war), and they don’t care about you. They don’t care about your children. They don’t care about your welfare. They don’t care if you eat, get sick or die. They don’t care about a safer country. All they care about is your vote, and how much money they can make. They couldn’t make money through Online Poker, so they shut it down, regardless of the millions of Americans who love the game.

Maybe I’ll just go buy a bunch of lottery tickets and scratchers in hopes I can WIN some money to pay for my medical expenses. At least with poker, I could apply skill. After all, poker is a game of skill, not LOTTERY LUCK. It requires THINKING. Here’s an idea, let’s ban all Americans’ rights to play games that allow THINKING, SKILL and CHOICE. At least with lottery, everyone’s still a sheep, and the government can make their money.

On a side note: Did anyone tell President Bush he was banning TEXAS Hold’em?

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