Pass The Bill Lose The Hill

When the UIGEA originally passed the House of Representatives – then known as HR4411 – most press carried the little soundbite from John Kindt, a business professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “You just click the mouse and lose your house.” That was the snippet from his more ignorant statement, “There are no needle marks. There’s no alcohol on the breath. You just click the mouse and lose your house.” He also had some other doozies such as calling the Internet the “crack cocaine” of gambling.

Well, being a soundbite type of guy myself I decided to register I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet and the new domain name likely won’t even propagate for another 24 to 48 hours but I wanted to hear suggestions from the wise and learned people who frequent this humble poker blog.

So what do you think? The first few ideas to cross my mind were some sort of awareness site to help educate people about online poker. Any other ideas?