10 Best Party Poker Screen Names

Some funny screen names I ran across on PartyPoker.

This is one of my all-time favorites! Bravo, sir. asssex
This guy has the same idea but I think the ass sex part really puts the previous one over the top.
Why not; he’s famous.
I’m not sure why other than very few drug dealers give it away free.
Remind me to decline this guy’s dinner invite.
A man who has the right attitude!
A often overlooked section in Hold’em For Advanced Players; the continuation fold. After folding pre-flop, you follow up your fold with another fold on the flop.
You are!
Okay, I hope you at least wash your hands afterward.
AKA The Calling Station

Got some good ones? Post them in the comments.

Check out the 10 Best Full Tilt Poker Screen Names

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5 thoughts on “10 Best Party Poker Screen Names

  1. Rob P

    The best online screen name i’ve seen (and still laugh about) is on Poker Stars. It’s “cashunuts”

  2. Kobi P.

    Great idea for a post, you should also extend it to wackiest profile picture in Stars…what do you think?

  3. Tyler

    These names really rule haha 😀
    “Continuation Fold” probably the best name I’ve ever seen 😀

  4. Blake Ritchie

    Full Tilt Poker– philmycrevis
    I couldn’t believe it when I came to the table and there she was, just massively racking up chips…I couldn’t stop laughing

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