I posted this YouTube video of some guy ranting about Neteller and I thought I would follow it up with a discussion on the phrase/word “Cheers.” In the US, cheers …
I’m not totally sure what to make of this other than it’s not good news. The Times Online (a respected paper in the UK) is reporting that many of the …
Cecilia Nordenstam Not very well known in the US but she’s been very successful in Europe. In 1995 she had 5th and 13th place finishes in the Five Star World …
Geeze, I’m not even sure where to start. Amy and I have chatted via email about the sky is/is-not falling posts. I don’t know if we actually came to any …
Some of the language is NSFW. The “double cheers to your douche-hole” part is worth watching the whole thing.