Street Smart Travel Part II: At the airport

Part Two: At the airport Whenever I hear people say that getting there is half the fun, I can’t help but think that either they’re masochist or they’re traveling to some pretty crappy places. Getting there isn’t fun. It’s a hassle. But you can do some things to notch down the stress level and arrive …

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UltimateBet = UltimateFraud?

I wanted to relay a recent experience I had with UltimateBet that is beginning to concern me. I’ve had an account on UB for many years. I’ve played there from time to time but I don’t really call it a regular home. Recently I realized that left about $1000 on UB and wanted to withdraw …

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Street Smart Travel Part I: Planning Your Trip

Part One: Planning Your Trip A lot of people email or comment to me that they love hearing about my travels. Though I’m no roadwarrior with super-premium access to elite airport lounges or on any airlines VIP list quite yet, I do tend to travel a lot. I’ve also been fairly lucky in my travels …

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WSEX Goes From No Rake to 25% Rake

WSEX, the site that promoted itself almost entirely on the fact that it was rake free (well, technically, 100% rakeback [what is rakeback?]), is now only returning 75% to players. While that might still sound good it does draw attention to the fact that the rake free structure isn’t enough to draw in players. WSEX …

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