Annie Duke vs Hitler

If you missed it, on the April 19th episode of Celebrity Apprentice, Joan Rivers compared Annie Duke to Hitler.  Mel C decided to take it to the next logical step and make a fact based comparison between the two.


Check it out here.

My personal favorite:

Hitler:  His powerful oratory stirred millions

Annie Duke:  Tends to get on people’s nerves fairly quick

Thanks to Mel C for sending this one over.

4 thoughts on “Annie Duke vs Hitler

  1. Mark aka Poker Farce

    I saw this, but I thought it was even finnier when Annie said something to this affect “I take care of my kids, Im a good cook and I give a good blowjob.” I swear to it, thats what I heard her say. I picked Annie a long time ago to go out in the #2 or #3 spot on this show. She has a lot to gain so she wont do anything stupid, but I dont think she’ll win it because she doesnt have the personality. She’s actually pretty annoying.

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