Poelsax is Online Poker’s Version of a Crack Whore?

A Norwegian friend of mine sent me a video awhile back and told me the whole back story which made it even funnier.

Okay, seems like this Norwegian player Poelsax on Donkr.com was el-busto and made the following video begging one of his buddies to send him some money so he could keep playing.

The song is in Norwegian but the lyrics are basically him begging for his friend to ship him some money.

Of course the video makes its way onto Donkr.

So seizing on the fact that this guy is desperate for money another player offers to pay his way into the Norwegian Championship if he makes a similar video of himself dancing but wearing only a thong.

Apparently Poelsax had to think it over because his video wasn’t forthcoming as quickly as others had hoped so to add a little pressure on him they got Daniel Negreanu to post an appeal.

So he does it and posts it on Donkr. Unfortunately the video is now set to private on YouTube so you can’t see it but this photo gives you some sort of idea what viewers were in for.


You can also catch some of his ass-shaking dance moves as you watch Daniel Negreanu watching the video during one of the PokerStars events.

And just in case you’re still wondering what it may have looked like, you can check out the video and dance moves he was attempting to imitate (very poorly).

You can also see the frame that YouTube randomly grabbed as the preview where he still has a link to the video on his website poelsax.com


I went to the Gambler’s Anonymous website to their 20 Questions section to find out how many questions Poelsax would have to answer “Yes” to after these videos.

Did gambling affect your reputation? – I think that’s a big yes.

Did you often gamble until your last dollar was gone? – I think that was the point of him making the videos. Another big yes.

Did you ever borrow to finance your gambling? – His first video was begging to borrow money so yet another yes.

Have you ever sold anything to finance gambling? – Dignity was sold for a 550 GBP entry fee. Yep.

Well, GA says answering yes to 7 or more might mean you’re a problem gambler. There’s four right off the bat. So what’s the vote here; is this online poker’s equivalent of a crack whore begging for a fix or is he the most dedicated poker player you’ve ever seen?

11 thoughts on “Poelsax is Online Poker’s Version of a Crack Whore?

  1. Tony

    Next time get a sponsor painted on your body much like boxers do considering the number of views your videos get!!

  2. poelsax

    I am gonna start my comment, with saying sorry for bad english.
    I think its funny that people still is talking about me 🙂
    If you think that i made this videos just for the money, you are wrong. Wierd as it migth sound, I did it for creds. I have always been kind of a clown guy, done things like this many times before. To entertain and to make people sick. I enjoy it.
    I dont have a gambling problem, and I dont regreet making the video. I have deleted it, because I didnt wanted it to be on the internett. At last i will answer your question. I am neither, I am just sick in the head. Thank you:)

  3. Steve Brogan

    I am leaning toward the fact that he might have a serious problem. Still he could have had a bad spell – of course that is what all of the losing players will say – including myself. My ROI is negative but I am working on my game. Just for laughs check out http://patricksebastian.wordpress.com/
    So far there are ten of us in competition to take a $10 bankroll and increase to $250 first. We each ante up $10 and the winner takes all. A side effect of this is that we get a chance to improve our game – hopefully.

    The videos are a scream – thanks again for sharing.

  4. Bill Rini Post author

    Personally, it would very difficult to write out the number of zeros to put after the first number for me to lower myself to that level 🙂

  5. Bill Rini Post author

    Yikes if typoing Negreanu was the only mistake I made in this post . . . I would be happy. Thanks for catching it. 🙂

  6. Marian

    I know romanian names are hard to spell sometimes… but its NEGREANU

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