Scott Lazar Being Sued For $1,000,000


Looks like poker player Scott Lazar is being sued by Gambling Times for $1,000,000 in damages arising from the failure of Lazar to get GT a product placement in the film Deal staring Burt Reynolds and Shannon Elizabeth. According to GT claims they paid Lazar who was the film’s Executive Producer $50,000 for “highly visible” product placement in the film.

The only problem is that according to GT, there was no GT product placement in the film at all.

As points questions; how do you get to $1 million in damages over a $50,000 product placement in a film that has grossed $78,000 world wide? If you can answer that maybe you should be running Bear Stearns.

5 thoughts on “Scott Lazar Being Sued For $1,000,000

  1. Scoala Poker

    Well … after I’ve read this I went and searched on google about who won the trail. I didn’t find anything relevant, so I guess GT got nothing or just the 50k back.

  2. Pingback: Time Machine For May — Bill's Poker Blog

  3. Poker

    Never saw the movie but Burt Reynolds looks very young in the ad. Funny if they win the million 🙂

  4. greylocks

    If I were GT, I’d be grateful my product was not mentioned in the film, and I wouldn’t draw attention to the fact that I was ever associated with that pile of dreck.

  5. Scott

    Sounds a little like someone is looking for some quick money. Not sure how they plan on proving $1 million worth of damages though.

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