5 Great Ways To Increase Your Rakeback Profits


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While some players will happily move site for a percentage point higher rakeback deal [what is rakeback?], there are many other ways in which savvy players are improving their profits. By using a combination of small factors which can improve your profits, the compounding effect could easily see your bankroll improve significantly. Add to this the best rakeback deals and you could hit the next level faster than you thought possible!

Increasing Rakeback Poker Profits #1 – Invest In Software Tools

There are many poker software tools available covering everything from real-time advice to graphing your profits. While many people see these as an expense, savvy players instead look at them as an investment. The $100 or less spent can pay for itself many times over, for example by giving you hand history analysis which allows you to plug small leaks, better insight into profitable bubble mathematics – or even on-screen statistics on your opponents which allow you to outplay them more effectively.

Increasing Rakeback Poker Profits #2 – Training Sites / Coaching

Players are often resistant to the idea of training or individual coaching. This can be due to pride, or a perception that the cost would not match up with the benefits. Smart players know that poker is a game in which you can never stop improving – and a shortcut to the higher levels (and so more rakeback profits!) is to have an expert look at your game. You can also learn from those who have crushed the higher limits at a training site. Imagine that the training helps you maximize value from just 1 big hand per hour and you’ll see how training could pay for itself very quickly indeed.

Increasing Rakeback Poker Profits #3 – Multi-Tabling

Everyone has their comfort level with multi-tabling, however this is one of the fastest and most effective ways of improving your profits from your rakeback deal. Balance needs to be sought between increasing the number of raked hands, and the quality of your decisions. While multi-tabling will give you less time for reads and thinking about each move, the net result of more hands is an increase in overall profits. Some players find that cutting the marginally profitable starting hands from their opening ranges helps keep the post flop decisions simple.

Increasing Rakeback Poker Profits #4 – Rake-Races And Tournaments

When selecting the best rakeback deal, ensure that your affiliate is able to offer you rake-races and access to freerolls. Rake-races are leader board contests which can pay out many $1000’s and usually run for a week to 10 days. Freeroll tournaments offered by many rakeback affiliates have an added advantage – in addition to the generous prize pools – that many rakeback players ignore them, meaning small fields often competing for large amounts of money.

Increasing Rakeback Poker Profits #5 – Locating The Poker Fish

This method of maximizing your profits sounds so obvious, yet is routinely ignored by even fairly experienced players. If you are playing at a small poker site with huge rakeback percentage then there is a good chance that the majority of your opponents are also experienced players with the same deal. While you may still make a reasonable profit, this is dwarfed by the potential take from inexperienced opponents at some of the larger sites. Breaking this down further you should consider how table selection, waiting for position on weak opponents and even keeping your own ‘fish list’ can improve profits. If you are not practicing good site and table selection then you are leaving profits on the table!

If you would like more information on how to make a living playing poker, visit Bill’s Rakeback Report site.

Photocred to chrischappelear

3 thoughts on “5 Great Ways To Increase Your Rakeback Profits

  1. pokeree

    Increasing Rakeback Poker Profits #4 Rake-Races And Tournaments = Well rake races are meant for a few selected top notch grinders, I think poker affiliates should re-think how they distribute the money and award some small stakes players in some way. after all even if u don’t rake over 5000$ a month your still contributing imo.

  2. Pingback: Time Machine July — Bill's Poker Blog

  3. Ian

    Actually I find that as a general rule of thumb, the smaller the poker site, the more fish you’ll find. Certainly on the likes of Poker Nexus and Everleaf Gaming, there are alot more fish. One of the big reasons for this si that software like Holdem manager or Poker Tracker dont yet support those sites, so the million tabling grinders refuse to play there…

    Gl with your site!


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