I’m not sure how many people know this but you can send an RSS feed from your blog to your Facebook page. So in addition to any updates you do to your status you’ll also see blog posts in your feed.
Awhile back my good friend the great Rooster commented on my Facebook page and he made a comment that he liked that he could comment on my posts on Facebook because it was more difficult to do so on my blog.
Way back in the day I experimented around with several different types of anti-comment spam techniques and the end result was that a lot of people who wanted to post legitimate comments found it too difficult to do so. But I was getting a lot of spam and it was taking a lot of my time to clean it up so I left it on even if it meant that some people would have difficulties posting comments.
But eventually I saw the error of my ways and implemented a much better anti-spam tool so I removed all the captchas and such from the site. Now it’s as easy as filling in your name, email, and website. So if you used to post comments and quit because it was a pain in the ass please give it a go now. It should be much easier. Also, if you want to post on my Facebook account feel free to do so as well.
Sorry about the hassles 🙂
Photocred to dok1
I think that everyone should start by playing poker for free before they start gambling. These players have to have started somewhere. With the amount of expert players out there, it’s sometimes hard to lose yourself, and more over your money. There are many websites that let you play for fun, but at the same time this can actually ruin your game more than anything. You can learn bad ideologies when you play with weaker opponents. But jumping into high cost games is also absurd. There are many poker games on social websites like Zynga and Ultimate poker pro, that allow you to play against lots of opponents for free. I would start there…
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