UB/Absolute Wishy-Washy Multi-Account Policy

Just the other week UltimateBet and Absolute seemed to crack down on players having an account on each skin on the CEREUS network. This week they seemed to have done a complete 180 and are going back to where they started.

Dear Affiliate,

On April 19th we sent out an e-mail regarding multi-accounting on the CEREUS Network.

Due to recent analysis and investigations with our security department, Chipleader has decided to revert back to allowing a single player to have one account on Absolute Poker and one account on UB, regardless of the affiliate association of the player accounts at either site.

Multi-accounting will be handled by our Security Department as it always has been. Any fraudulent player account activity or abuse related to affiliates will be managed independently as it always has been. Actions will be taken if evident abuse is detected.

We have always valued our affiliate partnerships and we will continue to work with you to ensure both your interests and ours are being met at all times.

As we continue to address multi-accounting on the CEREUS Network, we will work with you to develop a win-win situation for everyone.

The Chipleader Team

The explanation seems rather odd. After analysis and investigations their with security department they decided to reverse course? What did it uncover? The only reasons to change the policy to what it was before are:

a) The new policy was ineffective.

b) It worked or was marginally effective but not enough to offset the backlash from players and affiliates.

c) They realized their backend wasn’t set up to track players properly and they need more time.

So which was it?

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