Whacky Feedback

I always seem to get the most insane feedback from people. For instance, on my post Proof That Online Poker is Rigged, which is a parody/comedy post I wrote several years ago, I have 240 comments. Most people get the joke but some people, despite others commenting on the humor, still don’t get that it’s comedy. Like this guy:

That is the gayest thing I have ever seen. Fucking faggot. That is so gay.. It’s not like players have their own minds. Dumbass.

Literally, over the years I’ve been writing this blog I’ve had death threats, death wishes, profane and angry emails, and just about every other negative response you can imagine.

But I had an email exchange today with some guy who cracks me up. His name is Brian Armstrong and based on his Facebook Profile he seems to be from Canada.

Citing no reason, he sends me the following message on Facebook:

ur a complete faggot and ur website is fulled with lies and buillshit, get a life u fcking loser.

So I check out his Facebook page and he seems to be a rather educated guy. I found it somewhat odd that he chose to express himself in such a way. Especially the part “ur website is fulled” part. So I responded.

English is your native language and you’re calling me the loser? Learn proper grammar.

PS. You suck at poker. Hahaha

I threw in the poker comment because 99.9999999% of the people who send this kind of crap do so after getting their asses handed to them at the poker tables. Then they read that I say poker isn’t rigged and they decide to send me all of their anger and frustration.

He responds:

what a fail of a comeback , you further proved my point fag lmao

Calling me a fag twice now gives me a little peek into his psyche. Either he’s rather limited in his repertoire of insults or he’s one of those sexually confused homophobics who feel the need to call everyone else gay to show how not gay they are.

But before I can even respond, I get another message from him.

annnnd ur blocked!!! fag

A third fag accusation in three messages. Wow. The boy is shooting 3 for 3.

And he did block me. I guess he was so afraid to read my response that he had to protect himself by blocking me on Facebook.

So, he reads something I wrote, sends me an insulting message on Facebook and calls me a faggot and then runs like a little school girl behind the blocked button? Really?!?!

God, I love the internet. It gives everyone an equal chance to prove how stupid they are.

3 thoughts on “Whacky Feedback

  1. Bill Rini Post author

    @Ben: Thanks. Much appreciated

    @astrobel: Yeah, it really is amazing. On the internet everyone thinks they have the right to say whatever comes to their mind regardless of how inappropriate it might be. I mean, I don’t mean people should censor themselves but I highly doubt the guy would have walked up to me on the street and called me a faggot. But on the internet . . . . well, that’s a different story 🙂

  2. astrobel

    I can only imagine how tiring it must be dealing with such trolls as often as you do.

    Great blog ( well, you already know that ). Thanks for posting.

  3. Ben Hansen

    well there are great many of us who do appreciate your hard work on the blog. so thanks!

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