The Carnival of Poker

While doing my July Time Machine post I ran across a bunch of posts I did about hosting a Carnival of Poker and it got me to thinking about hosting them again. The idea is rather simple yet people try to make it much more complicated because they think there’s a catch. There isn’t.

Basically, I define a theme or topic for the carnival and everyone is invited to submit their best blog post (or other content) on that topic and I will go through the submissions, pick the best ones, and incorporate them into a blog post here. Each submission that’s accepted will get anywhere from one to three sentences summarizing why people should go and check out the content.

That’s it. No hidden gotchas or anything like that. If you have a website and think you’ve got good content submit it and it could end up being featured here.

So with that out of the way . . . the topic is: Poker Humor

Do you have a collection of funny stuff heard around the poker table?
Do you have a comic about poker?
Do you have pics of funny poker license plates?
Have you captured funny pics of poker players?

Anything that involves poker and is funny is acceptable. Just submit your link using my contact form and it will be considered for inclusion.

I will accept links until Saturday, July 24, 2010 and will publish a post on Tuesday, July 27.

BTW, the way the carnival works is that there will be a network of larger poker sites that will rotate as hosts of the carnival. If you have a poker related site that already does some pretty decent traffic and you would like to host upcoming carnivals use the contact form above to drop me a line and let’s talk.

Each carnival host picks their own topic so you can fit the topic to your audience.

photcred to Dominic’s pics

5 thoughts on “The Carnival of Poker

  1. Pingback: The Week(s) That Was — Bill's Poker Blog

  2. Pingback: Tomorrow is the Deadline for the Carnival of Poker — Bill's Poker Blog

  3. Pingback: The Force is Strong — Bill's Poker Blog

  4. Bill Rini Post author

    Kobi, yep, that’s exactly how it works. Looking forward to your submission.

  5. Kobi P.

    Hi Bill,
    Great idea, and even better than that, I have a good idea for a funny poker post. So what’s the deal we just post it in our blog and send you the link?


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