Carnival of Poker – Poker Humor

Hat tip goes out to Dan at Pokerati for Felt Wars Part II

Well, we got some pretty good submissions this round and I want to thank everyone who sent in a link. I picked the topic of poker humor because I don’t do much strategy on this site, there aren’t that many blogs about the online poker industry itself, and I guess my claim to fame in the poker blogging world was my post about online poker being rigged.

One of my favorite sites, Kick Ass Poker, submitted a compelation post of some of the funniest poker related stuff they’ve run across on the internet. Most of the featured funnies are classics from the 2+2 archives like the chocolate chip TJ Cloutier, if they never played poker, and separated at birth.

Kobi from PokerBuddy sent in the 7 Most Pathetic Players You’ll Ever Meet at the Poker Table. Whether it be shades dude, or the slow roller, Kobi’s got all of your most annoying live game personality types summed up pretty good.

Michael contributed his collection of the most heated disputes in poker which features some rather . . . funny and heated displays of pissing contests at a poker table. Of course, my favorite is Sheikhan vs. Matusow. That was classic.

Mark from Melted Felt (a damn funny site) submitted 101 things to do during synchronized breaks. My personal favorite is “Register for the next $5 tournament with 3000+ players, play for 6 more hours and win $17.23c for coming in 266th”. And to think that there are 100 others just as good 🙂

That was it for this Carnival of Poker. Fewer submissions than I would have liked to see but great in quality. Take some time to visit the linked posts and don’t be afraid to poker around the rest of their sites.

If we have some people ready to host another Carnival of Poker please ping me and we’ll work out getting it announced. If you’re looking to submit content for future carnivals, keep tuned here and I’ll be announcing the next carnival location once it’s sorted . . . or if nobody steps forward maybe I’ll just host it myself.

1 thought on “Carnival of Poker – Poker Humor

  1. Pingback: The Week(s) That Was — Bill's Poker Blog

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