Quick Link Dump and Poker on Entourage

Ran across a few interesting things recently that I wanted to share. I don’t really have enough to say about any specific one to write an entire post so I thought I would just mash them up here and let you enjoy 🙂

The Key To Cleaning Up At Poker? Quantum Physics A story over at NPR about why physicists excel at playing poker.

PartyGaming reports yet another quarter of disappointing poker revenue.

Phil Ivey reported got upset while playing craps at the Wynn and left in a huff saying “If you see me playing dice here again I’ll Suck your D$@K.” Afterward he pointed at the supervisor and said “Your’s too”.

I was watching season 10 of Entourage the other day and ran across this:

[click on the photo to enlarge]

Is that a poker table on her computer? Which room is that?

5 thoughts on “Quick Link Dump and Poker on Entourage

  1. Bill Rini Post author

    I’ve notice poker on people’s computers on a few tv shows and movies but I was watching Entourage on my computer so it was easy to get a screen shot.

  2. adam

    I actually noticed that all of the computers in Eric Murpy’s office have poker on the screen. Even back in his old office he was playing poker in one scene before ashley came in. You’re not the only affiliate who noticed lol.

  3. Poker Player Updates

    Wasn’t sure if I was right with my answer… anyway it was wrong haha!
    I was kinda distracted with the girl… ahhh she’s so gorgeous! I wanna die haha
    BTW, Nice one Poker Grump!

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