Tourney Ideas

After the other night’s tourney, we got some feedback and I thought I would throw it out there to the general poker community for some thoughts. Basically, it was a …

And the winners are . . .

Here’s the email my buddy (and co-host) Zengy sent out announcing the winners from last nights tourney: Hello All- All I can say is “Holy Shit!” Last night’s tournament was …

Uncle Sam Sucks

I hate paying taxes. It would be nice if they just sent you a bill every year but instead they just take it out of your paycheck before you even …

Betting your life savings on roulette

MSNBC is running a story about Londoner, Ashley Revell, who claims to be a professional gambler, placing a $135,300 bet on “Red” resulting in a $270,600 payoff. Just in case …