Bill Rini is the former Head of Online Poker for WSOP. He has been working in the online poker industry since 2004 and has held management roles at Full Tilt Poker and PartyPoker.
These days you cannot sit down on any no limit ring game online for decent stakes without encountering several regulars. Now there are regulars and there are regulars so to …
I just got done reading Jared Tendler and Barry Carter’s follow up to their ground-breaking book The Mental Game of Poker, [simpleazon-link asin=”0983959757″ locale=”us”]The Mental Game of Poker 2: Proven …
Songkran is a holiday in Thailand that I avoided for many years. For those not familiar with it, Songkran is a festival in Thailand that the Thais call their New …
Poker Hero by Florian Roßner is one of the best poker training books I’ve read in a long, long, long time. In fact, one of my only complaints about the …
Several years ago I wrote a couple of articles about the gap between online poker software and what players had come to expect from other, non-poker related, products. You can …