Getting a Fair Game in Online Poker
The other day, myself, Kim Lund, and Taylor Caby on Twitter talking about Bodog’s Patrick Selin’s remarks in a recent interview where he referred to winning players as “sharp players.” …
The other day, myself, Kim Lund, and Taylor Caby on Twitter talking about Bodog’s Patrick Selin’s remarks in a recent interview where he referred to winning players as “sharp players.” …
I just got done reading a pre-release copy of Tri “Slowhabit” Nguyen’s “How I Made My First Million from Poker.” It’s definitely not your typical poker book and if you’ve …
I’ve been doing a lot of light reading lately and nearly every poker magazine article is written by “a professional poker player.” Likewise, watching many of the televised poker events …
I guess this is a follow up to my previous post on bad behaviour in California card rooms. So Sunday I was out and about running errands trying to get …
Funny enough Hard Boiled Poker covered a topic I was pondering a blog post about. I’ve written in the past about the poker media and how the fact that they …