Poker Photo Caption Challenge 16
My Caption: High stakes poker player Steve “Big Stacks” Schwimmer admires the results of a lifetime of playing poker. Swiped from Flickr user normalityrelief
My Caption: High stakes poker player Steve “Big Stacks” Schwimmer admires the results of a lifetime of playing poker. Swiped from Flickr user normalityrelief
My Caption: Somebody check his her whatever’s ID. There’s no way that thing is 21. Photo swiped from Flickr user Verb My Noun
My Caption: If this guy check-raises me one more time, I’m going to rifle butt him in the head. Swiped from Flickr user pmsyyz
My Caption: Yo, I got your nutz right here. Swiped from Flickr user VJnet
As has been widely reported in poker blogging circles, Pauly was forced to end a drug fueled Amsterdam trip (pardon the pun) to deal with some asshat who hijacked his …