The F-Bomb Rule and Misguided Writers
On the surface this would seem like a reasonable argument but let’s look at it a little closer. The F-Bomb Rule still does not work. I wrote a two part …
On the surface this would seem like a reasonable argument but let’s look at it a little closer. The F-Bomb Rule still does not work. I wrote a two part …
Ever cash out at a casino? If you have, and you still have money left, you might be getting some of these crazy bills.
A couple of days ago I posted a funny video the boys at UB made. YouTube apparently yanked the video but it’s still available on the UB website.
My Caption: Josh is obviously unaware that US currency is probably one of the most germ ridden, disgusting things you touch on a daily basis. That tongue is touching the …
Before you post a screenshot showing off your cool new desktop background on a message board you might want to take a quick inventory of what you files and folders …