Dear Mr. Online Poker Is Rigged
Idiot for a Day On several previous occasions I have discussed the flaws in the arguments of those who claim that online poker is rigged. Just to demonstrate the absurdity …
Idiot for a Day On several previous occasions I have discussed the flaws in the arguments of those who claim that online poker is rigged. Just to demonstrate the absurdity …
I’m not sure whether it’s funny or sad that even after my post on why online poker is not rigged, I still get people emailing me trying to convince me …
My soon to be co-worker, Ephro, sent me the following that he lifted from an un-named message board (I assume): I hear many people talk about “Poker Tracker” program (or …
I was a tad surprised to find a post from poker professional and noted poker author Lou Krieger titled “Who is the dumber son of a bitch” this morning but …
I’ve updated my page on why online poker is not rigged but I thought I would highlight it here so as to offer a chance for counter-arguments. I recently saw …