Getting a Fair Game in Online Poker
The other day, myself, Kim Lund, and Taylor Caby on Twitter talking about Bodog’s Patrick Selin’s remarks in a recent interview where he referred to winning players as “sharp players.” …
The other day, myself, Kim Lund, and Taylor Caby on Twitter talking about Bodog’s Patrick Selin’s remarks in a recent interview where he referred to winning players as “sharp players.” …
Despite having already written a post about why I don’t think Zynga will be a major player in the post-US legalization world, I still get asked by people what I …
One of the things people have been reluctant to address is who is to blame for Black Friday and its aftermath. Well, I’ve done a little investigation and I can …
I don’t know why but the PPA felt that with thousands of players stuck with hundreds of millions of dollars on Full Tilt and Ultimate Bet and Barton set to …