The First WPBT Hammer
Geez, I almost forgot this but BadBlood remembered and posted: One thing I forgot to mention about the play at Binion’s was what I believe to be the FIRST Hammer …
Geez, I almost forgot this but BadBlood remembered and posted: One thing I forgot to mention about the play at Binion’s was what I believe to be the FIRST Hammer …
I would win every one of these. — Phil Hellmuth First things first: With 5 days in Sin City I can’t do any justice by trying to cover everything in …
Ok, let’s just get the Vegas stuff out of the way now: I’m flying in after work on Wed, the 1st. I get in around 8:30pm and I’ll be staying …
Ok, so now I’m positve that I have no desire to ever play on Noble Poker. Man, what a crappy piece of software. I’m sorry but it’s so bad it …
I didn’t win. Not sure what it was but I wasn’t really into the game tonight and don’t think I really played that well. Maybe it’s the winner take all …